Jane Dufferin Collector – Capital Infrastructure Group is featured in the Spring 2023 edition of Trenchless Technology Magazine. Check out the full article here…Read more
We are excited to be an Exhibitor at No-Dig North! Come see us at Booth #505 Capital Infrastructure Group is presenting a Paper (TA-T4-04) on the Wilket Creek Sanitary Trunk Sewer and the North York Storm Trunk Sewer Written & Presented by; Brian Ratchford (CIG), Tyler Leeming (CIG) and Erez Allouche (Stantec) https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6978349813952131073 https://www.nodignorth.ca/ ViewRead more
As part of the City of Toronto’s asset management program, many non-circular profile sewers and interceptors are found to be in varying degrees of structural deterioration, as with most North American cities. One of these such interceptors — the High Level Interceptor (HLI) — was a rectangular shaped sewer that was built in 1910. TheRead more
Capital Infrastructure Group Inc. (CIG) continues to grow its service offerings with the announcement that it has acquired all outstanding shares of Clean Water Works Inc. (CWW) from Market Square Ltd. Partnership. Based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, CWW was founded in 2005 by John Brule and later sold to Market Square Ltd. Partnership. CWW isRead more
It is with great pleasure that we inform you that effective today Capital Infrastructure Group Inc. (CIG) has acquired all outstanding shares of Clean Water Works Inc. (CWW) Based in Ottawa Ontario. (CWW) founded in 2005 by Mr. John Brule, and acquired from Market Square Limited partnership. (CWW) is a multi-disciplined provider of Sewer Rehabilitation,Read more
Capital Infrastructure Group Inc. (CIG) is pleased to announce today that it has completed the acquisition of Allied Utility Services Inc and Markervac Inc. (Allied), based in Queensville, Ontario. Founded in the late 1990s, Allied is a specialty utility service provider specializing in horizontal drilling for the telecommunications, hydroelectric, water and wastewater industries. Allied alsoRead more
Capital Sewer completes another successful Emergency Sanitary Sewer Repair. This Repair included dewatering wells, ground injection, spot excavation repair, temporary bypass system, sewer grouting & Mainline CIPP Lining. All located within a highly sensitive parkland, along the East Don River. https://www.capitalinfrastructuregroup.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Drone-Footage-.mp4 https://www.capitalinfrastructuregroup.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Dronevideo2.mp4 https://www.capitalinfrastructuregroup.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Dronevideo3.mp4Read more
Shotcrete Storm Sewer Rehabilitation – Capital Infrastructure Group is featured in the Fall 2021 edition of Trenchless Technology Magazine. Check out the full article here, and here…Read more
Capital Infrastructure Group (CIG) is pleased to announce that it has completed the acquisition of Northeast Safety Boats, LLC (Northeast) based in New Hartford Connecticut, USA. Northeast has been owned by Jack and Linda Casey for the past 20 years. The company supplies safety and support services to bridge inspection, rehabilitation, and construction. Northeast currentlyRead more
Capital Infrastructure Group Inc – Session Sponsor for “Storm Sewer and Culverts” Capital Sewer Services Inc. offers a variety of options for renewing wastewater and stormwater pipelines as well as pressurized force mains and water distribution and transmission mains. Their state-of-the-art pipeline rehabilitation process significantly reduces pipeline repair time with minimal disruption and decreased repairRead more
31 Keyes Court, Woodbridge,
Ontario L4H 4V6
Phone: 905-266-1500
Email: info@capitalinfrastructuregroup.ca